Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Science in a Van

Wow! What a morning we had!

We began our morning with a whole school assembly where we learned about forces. Objects move if you push or pull them...but gravity has a part to play too.

After morning tea, we had a junior session during which we learned about mixtures and gases. We now know that if you mix two materials together they can mix, separate or cause a reaction.  We also found out that some gases are heavier than air like carbon dioxide, and that some are lighter, such as helium.

It was good fun and we now have lots more science knowledge in our brains!

Here is a video of our session...beware, Miss Rhodes filmed some in slow-motion, so there are some flashing lights!


  1. oh I don't seem to be able to get the video to work! I know our boys enjoyed the science in a van - we have heard lots about it :)

  2. I've changed the format of the video Jen...hopefully it will work now :)

  3. Looks like everyone really enjoyed it! What a great video!
